
Friday, January 31, 2014


By the N.O.I. Research Group | Last updated: Jan 29, 2013 - 12:25:42 PM
 In this special month devoted to our history, The Final Call explores some of the most outrageous and false stories, accounts, and sentimental tales commonly told.
1. Whites were the first people on earth.
2. Blacks in slavery were only cotton pickers and maids.
3. Lincoln freed the slaves.
4. Blacks ate each other in Africa.
5. Blacks were cursed black by God.
6. The United States government has helped Blacks succeed.
7. Jews built the pyramids.
8. Blacks sold other Blacks into slavery.
9. There was no slavery in the North.
10. Columbus discovered America.
Lie #1 - Whites were the first people on earth.
As long as Mendel’s Law is in effect Whites can never be the first humans. This is the law of biology that asserts that White skin is recessive and Black skin is dominant, which means that two Whites cannot produce anything darker than themselves. This is why ALL those seeking the origin of human beings start and end in Africa. Recent genetic tests by researchers at the University of Chicago have proven that a major genetic alteration occurred exactly 6,600 years—exactly when Elijah Muhammad taught of the birth of the White race.
The scientists say that “the selected genes, which affect skin color, hair texture and bone structure,” were drastically affected at that very moment in time. Neanderthal DNA is far more often found in Europeans and Asians than in Africans. If Neanderthals predated ALL humans, their DNA would be MOST prevalent in Africans. But not only were they first chronologically, Blacks were also the first builders of Civilization. The black-skinned Egyptians had reached a high state of civilization long before the Neanderthal—whose offspring yet wonders how and why the pyramids were built—emerged from cave life. The White-skinned nomadic Tamahu were a strange people to the Black Egyptians. They had no apparent skill except trouble-making. Little did the Egyptians know what their contact with the Tamahu would lead to.
Sources: Wayne B. Chandler, “The Moor: Light of Europe’s Dark Age,” in The Golden Age of the Moor, ed. Ivan Van Sertima, p. 156; Ivan Van Sertima, African Presence in Early Europe, p. 149.
Lie #2 - Blacks in slavery were only cotton pickers and maids.
Blacks were desired so badly by White Europeans that they were willing to build thousands of ships over hundreds of years to sail thousands of miles over treacherous ocean to start wars with those Black people to capture them, bring them back thousands of miles to enslave them forever, to serve Whites forever. Blacks had built civilizations on the African continent that Whites hoped to build in America. A close reading of the newspaper advertisements placed by American slave dealers and slave traders shows that Blacks were skilled artisans and craftsmen at the highest level. It is easy to find ads by White people selling engineers, carpenters, mechanics, brick masons, nurses, blacksmiths, seamstresses, and bakers.
Blacks so dominated the building trades that after the so-called emancipation of 1863, it was said that if a White man were seen doing ANY of this kind of work, it would draw a crowd of gawking onlookers. Black slaves were on loan to build the “President’s House” and the Capitol; Black slaves built the mansions that grace Southern plantations. Black slave laborers built America’s infrastructure, including its buildings, roads, bridges, and railways. Blacks built America—just as they built the pyramids in Egypt—and then gave civilization to the new man on earth, the European.
Sources: Nation of Islam, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2 (2010); Nation of Islam, Jews Selling Blacks (2010); Abby Gunn Baker, “The Erection of the White House,” Records of the Columbia Historical Society, vol. 16 (1913); William Seale, The President’s House (1986).
Lie #3 - Lincoln freed the slaves.
Steven Spielberg may believe it but it just ain’t true. A careful reading of Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation proves that it freed NOT A SINGLE SLAVE! In the surprisingly short document only the slaves of “rebellious” states are ordered to be freed; those states who were loyal to America got to keep their Africans—as slaves! Thanks, Lincoln. The “Emancipation Proclamation” lists a whole slew of places to be “left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued.” At that time in history, Lincoln actually had no authority over the states where he “freed” the slaves. They were part of another country—the Confederate States of America—with an altogether different president, Jefferson Davis. Lincoln himself was never hesitant to express his hatred of Black people, like when he said: “As the negro is to the White man so is the crocodile to the negro and as the negro may rightfully treat the crocodile as a beast or a reptile so may the White man treat the negro as a beast or a reptile.” It is White historians and Hollywood mythmakers who so desperately needed to find an American Jesus to die for America’s racial sins. It is they who have made Lincoln into something he never was or wanted to be—a martyr on behalf of Black people.
Sources: Lerone Bennett, Jr., Forced into Glory (2007); NOI Research Group, “Lincoln, Lies, and Black Folk,” Pts. 1 and 2, The Final Call, Nov 27 & Dec. 6, 2012.
Lie #4 - Blacks ate each other in Africa.
In The General History of Virginia, Captain John Smith wrote that when famine struck his new colony in Virginia in 1623 that the English settlers dug up “a savage we slew and buried … and ate him.”
Another, wrote Captain Smith, was “boiled and stewed with herbs.” And another White Virginian “did kill his wife, powdered her and had eaten part of her.” And “many fed on corpses.” These White Europeans—the early pioneers of America—were feeding on Indians and each other! Themes of cannibalism have made it into European fairy tales Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Snow White. Accusations of cannibalism were often used by Whites as justifications for the subjugation or destruction of “savages” whose land or labor they wanted to steal. Evidence of cannibalism is found in all places on earth but the place where it is most rare—Africa.
Sources: Alden T. Vaughan, American Genesis: Captain John Smith and the Founding of Virginia (1975); Gary B. Nash, “Image of the Indian in the Southern Colonial Mind,” William and Mary Quarterly 29, no. 2 (Apr. 1972); Edmund Sears Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (1975); Alden T. Vaughan, “Expulsion of the Salvages [sic],” William and Mary Quarterly 35, no. 1 (Jan. 1978).
Lie #5 - Blacks were cursed black by God.
The so-called Curse of Ham (or Hamitic Myth) was derived from the Biblical story of Noah (Genesis 9:21-27), and it formed the core of the racial belief system among Jews in the centuries before the time of Jesus. Even though the characters in Genesis carry no racial identity, Talmudic rabbis made up a new version of the Noah episode, in which God curses the offspring of Noah’s son Ham to be black-skinned. These Jews further say that Ham (the cursed one) is the father of the Black Race! The reason that the Jews created this extremely racist myth is an economic one. Jewish traders of the Middle Ages dominated the early slave trade, and at first did not distinguish their victims on the basis of race. Over time, the skill, intelligence, and strength of Africans were seen as more marketable than the abilities of all others, and a premium was placed on their sale. We see this today in sports. When seeking their new stars, college basketball, football, baseball, and track recruiters scour the Black inner cities, not the White suburbs. The ancient rabbis, enjoying the financial benefits of the slave trade, distorted the original story of Noah in order to justify the new racial focus on the “God-cursed” African—thus sanctifying the African-centered slave trade.
Spread far and wide as divine prophecy by the Jewish slave merchants and their beneficiaries in the clergy, slavery would ultimately be universally believed to be the lot of the Black African. Through the millennium, the so-called Curse of Ham was easily adopted by all the major religions and has been used liberally whenever circumstances required the aggressive assertion of White Supremacy.
Source: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy, Volume 2 (2010).
Lie #6 - The United States government has helped Blacks succeed.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took hundreds of known actions against Black advancement organizations during the civil rights era—including the use of agent provocateurs, saboteurs, wiretapping and the planting of false rumors and disinformation. The FBI is also a prime suspect in the murders of key Black leaders and activists. But this subversive government activity is part of a LONG HISTORY of U.S. government oppression of “non-whites” that includes the sanctioning of the slave trade and the destruction of the Indian Nations.
And though it allowed the building of a giant monument in the Nation’s Capitol to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in 2011, the government treated him far differently when he was alive. The long-time leader of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, directed that a letter be sent to the civil rights leader, pressuring him to commit suicide! The 1968 U.S. government letter was addressed to “KING”:
“You know you are … a colossal fraud and an evil, vicious one at that. You could not believe in God ... . King, like all frauds your end is approaching … . King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is . . You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation.”
Hoover, the top law enforcement official in America, was not deranged. Dr. King, with his Poor People’s Campaign and support for the Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike, was signaling his interest in pursuing an economic agenda for his people. Indeed, any Black organization or movement that adopts an economic focus and encourages Black participation in manufacturing, trade, and commerce is automatically seen as a threat to the established economic order. His murder soon followed.
Sources: “COINTELPRO Reading Room,”; Council on Black Internal Affairs, The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms (2002); Reclamation Project, How White Folks Got So Rich (2012).
Lie #7 - Jews built the pyramids.
There are hundreds of pyramids on the earth, but the Great Pyramids of Egypt are considered the first of the Seven Wonders of the World. The White-skinned Jews that now inhabit Palestine have erroneously claimed that according to the Bible their ancestors were slaves in Egypt under Pharaoh and that they built the pyramids. But several Jewish scholars like Prof. Shlomo Sand, Arthur Koestler, and others have already dealt a fatal blow to the claim that the Caucasian Jews have ANY connection whatsoever to those Hebrews of the King James Bible. These scholars have proven that the White Israelis are descendants of a tribe of Europeans called the Khazars, a 6th-century people who converted to Judaism long, long after the pyramids were built, and long after the Bible was written. And, according to Biblical scholars, the pyramids were built at least 1,000 years before there is even any mention of any Hebrews.
Shlomo Sand, a professor at Tel Aviv University in Israel, wrote a revealing book in 2008 titled The Invention of the Jewish People, wherein he states: “The ancient Egyptians kept meticulous records of every event, and there is a great deal of documentation about the kingdom’s political and military life … . Yet there is not a single mention of any ‘Children of Israel’ who lived in Egypt, or rebelled against it, or emigrated from it at any time.”
Source: Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People (2008); Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage (1976).
Lie #8 - Blacks sold other Blacks into slavery.
One of the most unseemly manifestations of Black self-hatred is the often violently held belief that 500 years ago Africans sold other Africans into centuries of slavery. It is erroneously believed that after thousands of years of African life, Blacks all of a sudden collapsed into internecine strife and started killing each other, selling their fellow kinsmen to foreigners for profit.
The fact is that Portuguese “explorers” mastered a pattern of European conquest that is 6,000 years old. They deliberately created mixed-race subgroups with the intention of using them to capture and enslave the native African populations. Arriving on the Cape Verde islands in the late 1400s, Jewish slave merchants kidnapped and raped African women, and the mixed-race offspring, called lançados, were raised on the islands as European Jews, practicing Judaism and respecting Jewish authority. These lançados were sent into the African mainland to set up an international “trading post” to at first market the fine fabrics being produced by the Africans. But soon they turned on their hosts and began trading in Black human beings. The lançados were strictly trained in the Jewish family business of slave-dealing. It was these half-breed, mixed-race (or mulatto) “half-ricans” who infiltrated the Black African communities, seeking to satisfy the European lust for Black labor.
Historian Walter Rodney described these “AFRICAN” slave traders thus: “Many of the private traders were mulattoes, already linked to the Africans by blood, and there were those who had become so integrated into African life that they wore tribal tattoos. It was these who were the authentic lançados, literally ‘those who had thrown themselves’ among the Africans.”
Source: Walter Rodney, A History of the Upper Guinea Coast, 1545-1800 (Oxford, 1970); Tingba Muhammad, “Did African Slave Traders Sell Us Out?” The Final Call, June 14, 2012; Tingba Muhammad, Echoes of Mr. Yakub after Patmos,” The Final Call, June 28, 2012.
Lie #9 - There was no slavery in the NORTH.
The idea that the Northern states were against slavery is a complete falsehood. The newspapers are filled with ads buying and selling African people. The only reason that slavery was more widespread in the South was not because Northern Whites loved Black people, but because the warmer climate and flatter terrain in the South allowed for more varieties of produce to be grown in a much larger area. Simply put: the farther South one goes, the higher the concentration of Black slaves.
The early Massachusetts legislature was the first to officially welcome the African slave trade; in fact, many “proper Bostonians” built their fortunes upon that despicable enterprise. Massachusetts became America’s leading slave-ship builder and sent one expedition after another into Africa to rape, pillage, and plunder her Black humanity. Gangs of chained Africans were landed on the docks of Boston and Salem by white Massachusetts merchants and auctioned alongside hogs, lumber, and casks of cheese, destined for a life of hopeless bondage.
Slaveholders in the North were exceedingly brutal and in New York “inappropriate and disruptive kindness” was actually against the law. Any master “forgiving, making up, or compromising” with slaves was severely fined in New York. Wall Street (which has now enslaved ALL of America) was notorious in the 1600s for its African and Indian slave auctions.
Source: The Reclamation Project, The Hidden History of Massachusetts (2003); The Hidden History of New York (1998); NOI, Jews Selling Blacks, pp. 46-48 (RI & CT), 58 & 59 (RI), 109-111 (NY), 36-37, 57, 106& 107 (PA).
Lie #10 - Columbus discovered America.
Before Christopher Columbus was commissioned to sail the ocean blue, he was sailing the ocean BLACK. That is, he was sailing the coast of Africa in the slave trade. One person who talked to Columbus said that he sounded like “a practiced slave dealer.” It is in Africa where he probably learned about the “New World” and how the ocean currents might get him there. Africans had long traded amicably with the Indigenous peoples of America. Columbus himself found evidence during his voyages that he was not the first to “discover” anything.
Columbus was told by the peoples of Espanola (Haiti) of Black men who had appeared on the island before him and they showed him the lances that they had left there. The tips of the lances were of a metal—an alloy of gold—that was prevalent in African Guinea. Columbus visited Trinidad, where the sailors noticed the colorful symmetrically patterned cotton handkerchiefs of the indigenous Indian cultures, which the Native peoples called almayzar. They were all much the same in color, style, and use as the headscarves and waistbands used in Guinea.
The 17 Olmec colossal heads of Mexico are massive sculptures crafted from large basalt boulders. The heads date from at least before 900 BC and are a distinctive feature of the Olmec civilization. All portray men with wide African noses and full African lips in apparent honor of those travelers that had visited them. In actuality, Columbus is a latecomer to the “discovery” game. His voyages were only notable for the total destruction he unleashed upon the Indigenous peoples of Africa and America.
Sources: Ivan Van Sertima, They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America (1976; 2003); Nation of Islam, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 1 (1991).


Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Created by Cynthia D. Cornelius, The Chinue X Project, Inc, (TCXPI):
Music: Kalimba by Mr. Scruff

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rest In Peace Nelson Mandela

Friday, November 29, 2013

On This Day In TCXPI History - A Self Reflection (2013)

On This Day In TCXPI History - 24/7/365
As I begin the last month The Chinue X Project (TCXPI) of sharing African And African American Historical Facts, I reflect on what this project has meant to me. 
First and foremost, it gave me the opportunity to research daily the contributions that Our Ancestors have made in the struggle for Liberation, Existence, Equality, and Justice. This was MY Daily Affirmation of - Where I had come from, Who I had come from, and How I would continue to Honor and Respect My African Heritage. I looked forward to rising each morning to research new and insightful facts On My People - the good, the bad, and the ugly - and sharing it with the world.
Second, seeing the responses - good, bad, ugly - inspired me to continue on. I realized early on that My People had been Mis-Educated for so long through no fault of their own. I sought to "Bring Forth" the Truth Of Our Story and to Critically Challenge that Mis-Education.
Finally, to have FB has a conduit to disseminate this knowledge, and have my FB family, friends, and others "Share and Comment" on the posts, was confirmation that I was reaching and connecting with my people. 
I have forged some wonderful friendships and collaborations during this year and I am so appreciative and grateful. 
I look forward to what 2014 will bring for The Chinue X Project (TCXPI)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.

 If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.

 If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.

 If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.

 If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

 If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.

 If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.

 If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.

 If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.

 If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.

 If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.

 If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.

 If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.

 If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.

 If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.

 If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.

 If children live with fairness, they learn justice.

 If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.

 If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.

 If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Copyright � 1972 by Dorothy Law Nolte

Thursday, October 31, 2013


This compilation is created as a tribute to the Africans and African Americans that have made contributions to the world despite the challenges, and obstacles that existed - the good, the bad, and the ugly. We must embrace African People, History, and Culture as our own. Through these challenges, the Ancestor displayed Self-Determination, Resilience, Courage, and Black Pride in their Quest For Equality and Social Justice.


These images give brief descriptions of just some of Our Sung and Unsung People and Events.


I Give Thanks and Honor to All who have made and who will make contributions to the building and developing of  the United States of America and the World.


Cynthia D. Cornelius,

TCXPI CEO and Founder

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hazel Doris Scott: Breaking Down Racial Barriers in Music and Film


The Chinue X Project, Inc. Celebrates The Life And Legacy Of Hazel Doris Scott, Child Musical Prodigy, and Jazz and Classical Pianist and Singer, who Broke Down Barriers in the Recording and Film Industries.
Born in Port Au Spain, Trinidad, Ms. Scott’s parents moved to the United States, where she began perfecting her “gift” as a pianist. She studied classical piano at Juilliard from the age of eight. She became an attraction at downtown and uptown branches of Cafe Society in the late '30s and early '40s. Scott had her own radio show in 1936, appeared on Broadway in 1938, and was in five films during the '40s, among them Rhapsody in Blue. She wrote such songs as "Love Comes Softly" and "Nightmare Blues.“
In 1950, she would become the First African American performer to host her own nationally syndicated television show. As the solo star of the show, Hazel performed piano and vocals, often singing tunes in one of the seven languages she spoke. A review in Variety stated, “Hazel Scott has a neat little show in this modest package. Most engaging element in the air is the Scott personality, which is dignified, yet relaxed and versatile.”
She was also the second wife of US Congressman Adam Clayton Powell Jr.
For Further Reading and Viewing:


Sunday, September 15, 2013

On This Day In TCXPI History

We Remember Denise McNair (11), Carole Robertson (14), Addie Mae Collins (14), and Cynthia Wesley (14), who on Sunday morning, September 15, 1963 at 10:22 a.m. were killed by a bomb planted by Ku Klux Klan members at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL. This senseless, murderous, and cowardice act would shock the nation and galvanize the Civil Rights movement.
For Further Reading:

Two more African American youths were killed that day. Johnnie Robinson (16), was shot by police for throwing stones at moving cars. Virgil Ware (13), on a bicycle, was shot by a white man on a motor scooter.
For Further Reading: